Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Senior Project Proposal


The successful production of a 3 minute short film


This is a story about pride and its consequences. A young man is hell-bent on slaying a beast nobody has defeated before. Ignoring what is really important to him along the way, this reckless hunt will bring him dire consequences.

Project Description

Taking upon the already existing myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, this film adaptation Gears towards a depiction of Theseus’ prideful conduct and how it brought the demise of Ariadne, the girl who helped him find his way out of the Minotaur’s maze. This film’s intention is to reflect on how pride can blind and corrupt a noble intention; on how this notion that sustains our ego for survival can become the beast of our personal and society’s undoing. Taking upon the formulas and examples of the psychological thriller genre I’ve researched and analysed I intend to convey a story that marries both a lush and painterly render with a powerful and agile narrative that successfully entices the audience into following the main character’s pathos and downfall.

Visual Treatment

The film is intended as a CG production with a Non-Photorealistic Render that approaches the treatment of traditional media. By incorporating hand-painted textures with a layered-textured model; the intention of successfully conveying a muralist aesthetic, for both the characters and the backgrounds in a quasi-2D look is meant to be achieved.

My character pipeline intends to start modelling, texturing and normal map creation in ZBrush. Hand painted-texture maps will be treated and exported to the model from Photoshop to ZBrush, later exporting the mesh to Maya for proper rigging and blend-shape creation for facial expressions.

The background and prop sets will follow the same procedure but will further be incorporated as a matte painting projection in Maya if needed, depending on their placing on the shot. I will ask assistance into modelling props and certain parts of the labyrinth.

Special effects (i.e. sparks from iron/stone clashing, dust and blood) will be incorporated as hand-drawn effects animated in Photoshop. The brief appearances of the Minotaur as a physical character will be incorporated as a hand-drawn shadow. For this task I will key frame the animations and ask my animation assistants to in-between and colour them.

I am well aware of the strains and technical obstacles I will face as I try to accomplish all of these goals, yet I am confident in my skills and my assistant’s skills as well.

Sound Treatment

Regarding the ideas I have so far for sound treatment I intend this piece to be a non-dialogue film, I’m still toying with the idea of incorporating gibberish/grammelot as dialogue or just basic folly and the occasional gasp and scream from voice actors. As for the soundtrack I’m strong on the idea of incorporating a sort of ‘musical folly’ or subtle sounds that build up as if orchestrated that depict Theseus descent into madness and sheer anger.


Hardware Expenses…………………………………………………..2000$

Sound Composer………………………………………………………300$

Sound Designer………………………………………………………..300$

Press Kit…………………………………………………………………100$






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